Business Activity and Input/Output

Business Activity and Input/Output (Entire Group)

Data for each fiscal year is based on the company structure at that time

Environment Accounting (Group in Japan)

Environment Conservation Cost (Group in Japan)

Unit: million yen

Environmental Item FY2022 FY2023
Investment Cost Investment Cost
Pollution Prevention Cost 102 68 92 142
Global Environmental
Conservation Cost
1490 327 1,051 1,090
Resource Circulation Cost 4 360 63 591
Upstream / Downstream Costs
Administration Cost
R&D Cost
Social Activity Cost
Environmental Remediation Cost
Total 596 1,557 1,206 3,332
  • *Excluding depreciation expenses.

Economic Benefit (Group in Japan)

Unit: million yen

Value of sales of valuables 0.3

Environmental Conservation Benefit (Group in Japan)

Unit FY2022 FY2023 Increase/Decrease
Compared to the
Previous Year
Rate Compared to
the Previous Year
Total volume of energy consumed GJ 2,651,601 2,916,899 265,298 10%
Water consumed 1,000 m3 7,860 7,800 △60 △1%
PRTR substances used t 2,074 1,340 △734 △35%
CO2emissions t-CO2 63,127 62,658 △469 △1%
Total volume of waste t 13,406 12,024 △1,383 △10%
Waste emissions
(= Outsourced treating volume)
t 10,346 8,830 △1,515 △15%
Volume of recycled waste t 1,437 1,467 30 2%
Final disposing amount of waste t 479 389 △90 △19%
Recycling rate % 13.9 16.6 - 3%
Recovered or recycled volume of containers and packages t 2,906 1,432 △1,474 △51%
SOXemissions t 0.8 0.6 △0.2 △30%
NOXemissions t 47.5 41.2 △6.3 △13%

Environmental Efficiency Index (Entire Group)

Efficiency Index
Index Definition FY2020 FY2021 FY2022 FY2023
CO2 Sales/CO2emissions 122 124 257 331
Waste Sales/Total waste emissions 303 304 245 264
Water Sales/Water consumed 124 133 166 209
  • *The figures as of FY2015 have been set to 100. Higher index shows higher level of efficiency.

Environmental Data Book

The Environmental Data Book 2024 contains information from our Value Report and the environmental data on our website as well as complementary information. Please see them in addition. Please see them in addition.

Environmental Data Book Back Numbers