Item Items to be Reported Relevant Pages in
Value Report
Chapter 1 Basic information of environmental reporting
1. Basic
requirements for
environmental reporting
(1) Boundary of the reporting entity 103-104 Corporate Information
(2) Reporting period for information provided 2 -
(3) Reporting standards, guidelines or the like - Guidelines
(4) Overview of the environmental report - -
2. Trends in key
(1) Trends in major performance indicators 105-106 Environmental Reporting
Chapter 2 Items to be reported in environmental reporting
1. Top
(1) Top management's commitments on the entity's
response to material environmental issues
9-14 -
2. Governance (1) The entity's governance structure 55-56 Environmental Management System
(2) Name of the manager responsible for material
environmental issues
56 Environmental Management System
(3) The roles of the board of directors and the board
of executive officers in the management of material
environmental issues
55-56 Environmental Management System
3. Stakeholder engagement (1) Corporate policies to stakeholders 67-68 Stakeholder Engagement
Environmental Communication
(2) Overview of stakeholder engagement activities
conducted in the reporting period
67-68 Stakeholder Engagement
Environmental Communication
4. Risk management (1) Environment-related risk identification,
assessment, and management processes
47-50 Risk Management
Climate Strategy
(2) Positioning of the above processes within the
entity's overall risk management
47-50 Risk Management
5. Business model (1) The entity's business model 15-35/93-96 Value Creation Process
Materiality and contribution to the SDGs
6. Value chain management (1) Value chain overview 15-16 -
(2) Green procurement policy, objectives, and
- Environmental Management System
(3) Status of eco-friendly products and services - Environmental Risks
7. Long-term vision (1) Long-term vision 6 Our Mission and Vision
(2) Time period covered by the long-term vision 6 Our Mission and Vision
(3) Reasons why that time period was selected - Our Mission and Vision
8. Strategy (1) Business strategy of an entity developed for
contributing to the achievement of a sustainable
9-14 Our Mission and Vision
9. Methodology for
identifying material
environmental issues
(1) Procedure by which the entity identified its
material environmental issues
17 Sustainability Governance
Materiality and contribution to the SDGs
Environmental Management System
(2) List of identified material environmental issues - Environmental Management System
(3) Reasons that the identified environmental issues
were judged material
- Environmental Management System
(4) Boundaries of the material environmental issues - Environmental Management System
10. The entity's
environmental issues
(1) Policies and/or action plans - Environmental Management System
Operational Eco-Efficiency
Waste Management
Waste Reduction Targets and Performance
Initiatives for Biodiversity Conservation
(2) Targets and results of policies / action plans
based on performance indicators
33 Environmental Management System
Operational Eco-Efficiency
Environmental Risks
Climate Strategy
Waste Management
Waste Reduction Targets and Performance
Initiatives for Biodiversity Conservation
(3) Methodologies used for calculating each
performance indicator
- Environmental Data Book 2022
(4) Aggregation scope of data for each performance
- Environmental Data Book 2022
(5) Financial impact of related risks and
opportunities and calculation methodology thereof, if
the financial impact is significant
72-73 Climate Strategy
(6) An assurance report, if an independent third
party provided assurance to the items to be
107 Assured by a Third Party