1. Basic
requirements for
environmental reporting |
(1) Boundary of the reporting entity |
103-104 |
Corporate Information |
(2) Reporting period for information provided |
2 |
- |
(3) Reporting standards, guidelines or the like |
- |
Guidelines |
(4) Overview of the environmental report |
- |
- |
2. Trends in key
indicators |
(1) Trends in major performance indicators |
105-106 |
Environmental Reporting |
1. Top
commitments |
(1) Top management's commitments on the entity's
response to material environmental issues |
9-14 |
- |
2. Governance |
(1) The entity's governance structure |
55-56 |
Environmental Management System |
(2) Name of the manager responsible for material
environmental issues |
56 |
Environmental Management System |
(3) The roles of the board of directors and the board
of executive officers in the management of material
environmental issues |
55-56 |
Environmental Management System |
3. Stakeholder engagement |
(1) Corporate policies to stakeholders |
67-68 |
Stakeholder Engagement
Environmental Communication |
(2) Overview of stakeholder engagement activities
conducted in the reporting period |
67-68 |
Stakeholder Engagement
Environmental Communication |
4. Risk management |
(1) Environment-related risk identification,
assessment, and management processes |
47-50 |
Risk Management
Climate Strategy |
(2) Positioning of the above processes within the
entity's overall risk management |
47-50 |
Risk Management |
5. Business model |
(1) The entity's business model |
15-35/93-96 |
Value Creation Process
Materiality and contribution to the SDGs |
6. Value chain management |
(1) Value chain overview |
15-16 |
- |
(2) Green procurement policy, objectives, and
results |
- |
Environmental Management System |
(3) Status of eco-friendly products and services |
- |
Environmental Risks |
7. Long-term vision |
(1) Long-term vision |
6 |
Our Mission and Vision |
(2) Time period covered by the long-term vision |
6 |
Our Mission and Vision |
(3) Reasons why that time period was selected |
- |
Our Mission and Vision |
8. Strategy |
(1) Business strategy of an entity developed for
contributing to the achievement of a sustainable
society |
9-14 |
Our Mission and Vision |
9. Methodology for
identifying material
environmental issues |
(1) Procedure by which the entity identified its
material environmental issues |
17 |
Sustainability Governance
Materiality and contribution to the SDGs
Environmental Management System |
(2) List of identified material environmental issues |
- |
Environmental Management System |
(3) Reasons that the identified environmental issues
were judged material |
- |
Environmental Management System |
(4) Boundaries of the material environmental issues |
- |
Environmental Management System |
10. The entity's
environmental issues |
(1) Policies and/or action plans |
- |
Environmental Management System
Operational Eco-Efficiency
Waste Management
Waste Reduction Targets and Performance
Initiatives for Biodiversity Conservation |
(2) Targets and results of policies / action plans
based on performance indicators |
33 |
Environmental Management System
Operational Eco-Efficiency
Environmental Risks
Climate Strategy
Waste Management
Waste Reduction Targets and Performance
Initiatives for Biodiversity Conservation
(3) Methodologies used for calculating each
performance indicator |
- |
Environmental Data Book 2022 |
(4) Aggregation scope of data for each performance
indicator |
- |
Environmental Data Book 2022 |
(5) Financial impact of related risks and
opportunities and calculation methodology thereof, if
the financial impact is significant |
72-73 |
Climate Strategy |
(6) An assurance report, if an independent third
party provided assurance to the items to be
reported |
107 |
Assured by a Third Party |