The health and safety of each and every employee is essential to contributing to the enrichment of quality of life around the world
Hiroyuki Okuzawa
Representative Director, President & COO
Chief Health Officer
For the Company and its employees to continue achieving mutual growth aimed at realizing the Daiichi Sankyo Group’s purpose of “contribute to the enrichment of quality of life around the world,” ensuring the mental and physical health and safety of the employees who work there is essential. To this end, the Daiichi Sankyo Group regards employee health and safety as one of the most important management issues, and have adopted the Employee Health and Safety Declaration, under which we promote a variety of measures that enable each and every employee to work with enthusiasm while fulfilling their potential.
In order to more strongly communicate this thought as a company and ensure that management and employees share a common awareness about maintaining and promoting health and safety, we established a Chief Health Officer in October 2021 to oversee KENKO Investment for Health for Group companies in Japan. I was appointed to this position and have been making efforts in that respect. The creation of a healthy and safe workplace requires that each and every one of us is aware of health and safety and takes the measure. We will further focus on KENKO Investment for Health as we strive to realize our purpose.
Employee Health and Safety Declaration
The Daiichi Sankyo Group recognizes that health, wellbeing, and safety of our employees are indispensable to realize our mission and vision through the mutual growth of the company and its employees. We therefore commit to proactively creating a working culture and environment that is conducive to all employees working safely and enhancing their health and wellbeing.
Based on the People Philosophy of “ We create an environment that energizes our employees and enables them to thrive by cultivating their own well-being." We are cooperating with the Daiichi Sankyo Group Health Insurance Association and the Daiichi Sankyo Group Federation of Labor Unions to maintain and improve the health of employees at Group companies in Japan. We aim to realize our purpose by maximizing human capital through such measures on human resources, and make them the driving force to create sustainable value.
Well-Being based on the Daiichi Sankyo Group People Philosophy
* Please click here for full details of the People Philosophy.

EHS Management Promotion Structure
The Daiichi Sankyo Group’s EHS* Management Committee has established global health and occupational safety policies, targets, and measures. At Group companies in Japan, “KENKO Investment for Health”Promotion Structure headed by the Chief Health Officer has been established to promote health and safety measures based on a mid-term policy for health and safety management agreed with the labor union.
*EHS: Environment, Health, and Safety
“KENKO Investment for Health” Promotion Structure of DS group
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Mid-Term Policy for Health and Safety Management
The Daiichi Sankyo Group has formulated a global occupational health and safety strategy, under which we are working to promote the health and safety of our employees.
At Group companies in Japan, we are also implementing health and safety measures based on Health and Safety Strategy Map of DS group, which illustrates measures to address management issues and their expected results. Health & Safety Strategy Map of DS group lists “improving the productivity of each employee” and “creating a safe and comfortable workplace” as issues to be resolved. By resolving these issues, we aim to realize our management strategy and, ultimately, our purpose.
Health & Safety Strategy Map of DS group
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Health and Safety Initiatives
Under our 5th mid-term EHS Management Policy (FY2021 to FY2025), we are working to “create a rewarding workplace.”
Group companies in Japan health policy:
- (1) Promote the health of employees
- (2) Create a comfortable workplace and work environment
- (3) Strengthen occupational health and safety measures
- (4) Education and communication
In terms of promoting health, we have designated “lifestyle-related diseases, cancer, mental health, and exercise” as priority areas and we are working to promote the health of our employees. In terms of occupational safety, we introduced an Occupational Health and Safety Management System at all of our sites in April 2021 to prevent occupational accidents, minimize damage in the event of an occupational accident, and ensure the safety of our employees.
In 2017, we analyzed various health-related data from various perspectives to understand health issues at Group companies in Japan. As a result, it became clear that there are more than a few employees who do not take the measure to improve their health issues or who have no awareness of the need to improve them.
Therefore, Group companies in Japan have set “improving health awareness” as a key issue, have established evaluation indicators and targets, and have strengthened their efforts to achieve these targets. We determined that a certain level of improvement has been achieved through these efforts up to FY2020. From FY2021, we have been striving to improve employee productivity by setting new evaluation indicators (see the chart below) and targets related to maintaining and improving health, and working with external consultants to further promote health management.
Evaluation Index (FY2021 to FY2025)
- *1Measured using SPQ (Single-Item Presenteeism Question developed by The University of Tokyo)
- *2Due to a change in the implementation period associated with the start of DS Kenshin (original system that combines regular health checkups and comprehensive medical checkups)
Systems and Measures related to Occupational Health and Safety
- Lifestyle-related diseases
Utilization of wearable devices |
Utilizing wearable devices (Fitbit), we aim to make health more visible and actively support employees in improving their health. |
Holding seminars on lifestyle-related diseases |
We hold in-house seminars led by medical specialists for employees and their families with the aim of improving health literacy (seminars on hypertension, dyslipidemia, and migraines scheduled for FY2024). |
- Cancer
Promotion of smoking cessation |
In April 2021, the CEO announced the No-Smoking Declaration both internally and externally, aiming to bring the ratio of smokers to zero by 2030 (see here for details). In addition to creating an environment that prohibits smoking on company premises and during working hours, we are proactively promoting a non-smoking environment through the leadership of our executives and organizational heads. We also subsidized the cost of an online outpatient smoking cessation program (totaling approximately JPY660,000). Thanks to these efforts, 91% of participants have successfully quit smoking. |
DS Kenshin (health checkups) |
We have integrated the regular health checkups and comprehensive health checkups conducted to date, and adopted a unique screening system called "DS Kenshin" that includes both statutory health checkups and cancer checkups for all employees (achieved 100% attendance ratio for regular medical checkups, attendance ratio of 78.1% for thorough examinations of individuals with abnormal findings in FY2023).
In order to create an environment in which employees can receive medical checkups with peace of mind, we have established the new "DS Kenshin Leave" system, and encourage all employees to receive health checkups. In cooperation with the Health Insurance Association, we also encourage employees’ dependents to receive health checkups.
Balancing work and treatment |
With the objective of helping employees balance work and treatment, we have introduced a medical recovery leave system for those undergoing out-patient cancer treatment through which leave can be acquired in half- or full-day increments. We have also created a guidebook on living with cancer that is offered to employees to provide them with basic knowledge regarding cancer and information on the Company's support systems for helping them work with peace of mind as they battle cancer. Additionally, we have introduced a system where these Group employees can acquire leave in half- or full-day increments for treating diseases other than cancer. |
- Mental health
Measures against long working hours |
Consultations with physicians are provided for employees working long hours. Those requiring additional care are offered personalized guidance that is coordinated between their supervisor and an occupational physician. We are also working to curb long working hours by setting an upper limit on annual overtime, ensuring intervals between shifts, and encouraging employees to take paid leave.
Mental health support |
We conduct stress checks and provide individual follow-up support for individuals and organizations with high stress levels (96.9% of employees underwent stress checks at Group companies in Japan in FY2023). Training is conducted regarding self-care*3 and line-care,*4 among other measures to prevent mental health issues among these employees. Contracts are concluded with external mental health counseling firms that enable these employees to receive counseling at any time. Additionally, we conduct training on resilience and self-compassion to support the mental health of all employees. We also have a system in place to quickly identify and respond to changes in the physical and mental health of all employees. The average engagement survey score (total Wevox score) for FY2023 was 75 (the FY2022 average was 74). |
Return-to-work assistance program |
We operate a return-to-work assistance program with the aim of achieving a smooth return to work after medical leave following injury or illness, as well as with the aim of preventing recurrence of illness. Based on this program, we assess whether employees in poor health are ready to return to work and provide follow-up support during and after their return to work with the involvement of occupational physicians and occupational healthcare staff. |
- *3Activities are aimed at letting employees gain a better understanding of stress and mental health to enable them to handle their own stress properly and prevent and reduce it.
- *4Activities spearheaded by supervisors who interact with their staff on a daily basis, including improving workplace environments to support good mental health and responding to consultations from staff.
- Exercise
Physical health support |
We are implementing various measures to promote the health of employees.
- Walking Campaign and Photo Contest
We are carrying out a global measure that combines walking with a photo contest to address the lack of exercise and improve mental health.
- One DS Exercise
We created a Daiichi Sankyo Group original “One DS Exercise”and deployed it globally in FY2022. In a questionnaire conducted after the event was held at each business site, 83% of employees responded that they were either “very satisfied” or “satisfied”, with 87% answering that they planned to continue doing the exercise going forward, showing that employees have a positive attitude in their efforts.
- Collaborating with the Health Insurance Associatior
We are offering various programs to support healthier lifestyles, including walking and MY HEALTH WEB, a portal that provides health information for individuals, in cooperation with the Health Insurance Association.
In terms of employee health literacy, 13% of employees are working to improve their dietary habits, 26.3% intend to start doing so, while 24.0% are working to improve their exercise habits, and 28.3% intend to start doing so. We provide ongoing support to ensure that many employees have a high level of health awareness and aim to improve and maintain their health.
- Other health measures
Women’s health |
We have established "DS Femcare(word that combines Female and Care)," a website featuring information about women’s health on the Company intranet. We strive to improve health literacy and encourage behavioral change through seminars and explanatory videos from obstetrics and gynecologists, as well as to deepen understanding among colleagues and create a healthy and comfortable working environment for a diverse range of employees. In FY2023, more than 380 employees (4.2% of all employees at Group companies in Japan) participated in the seminar on women's health. We have also set up an external women’s health consultation service where employees can consult with gynecology and pediatric specialists. |
Group Long-Term Disability Insurance System |
To help mitigate the risk of losing one's livelihood, we have introduced a system that guarantees a fixed portion of income, possibly paid up to retirement age, for eligible employees rendered incapable of working due to sickness or injury. |
- Safety
Occupational Health and Safety Management System (OHSMS) |
In order to further establish the OHSMS, in FY2023 face-to-face and online meetings were held between the Human Resources Department and representatives from each affiliate/site in Japan and overseas to reaffirm the purpose and importance of the OHSMS. In addition, since FY2024, we have been implementing measures to invigorate communication on a global scale with the aim of raising the level of the entire Group, such as having each location work to independently solve their own issues as necessary and proactively share success stories (and failures) with other locations. |
Health and safety training |
[Chemical safety education]
- Frequency: General training held twice a year
- Participants: Synthetics researchers
- Details: Education and training aimed at ensuring appropriate reagent management in accordance with laws and regulations, accident prevention, and adherence to chemical compliance
[Animal testing]
- Frequency: At the time of initial registration and once a year for general training
- Participants: Employees working in animal testing facilities
- Details: Education and training aimed at ensuring appropriate animal testing in accordance with animal testing laws and regulations, animal welfare, and occupational health and safety
- Frequency: At the time of initial registration and once a year for general training
- Participants: Employees engaged in work involving radiation
- Details: Education and training necessary to prevent radiation hazards
Promotion of KENKO Investment for Health
September 2024 |
We held a study session on implementing KENKO Investment for Health in collaboration with the KENKO Investment for Health Executive Committee, introducing measures such as the Walking Campaign and Photo Contest under the theme of “globalizing KENKO Investment for Health. |
July 2024 |
We held sustainability training for business partners to explain the objectives, issues, and measures of the Daiichi Sankyo Group's health and productivity management. |
September 2023 |
At the study session on implementing KENKO Investment for Health, we introduced measures such as the One DS Exercise under the theme of “how to get into the habit of playing sports and exercising.” |
Created and Deployed the Daiichi Sankyo Group Original “One DS Exercise” to Promote the Health of Each and Every Employee
We created the Daiichi Sankyo Group original “One DS Exercise”to help realize the Group's purpose of “contribute to the enrichment of quality of life around the world,” and to help each and every employee stay healthy.
One DS Exercise

Recognized as a 2025 Certified KENKO Investment for Health Outstanding Organization (White 500)
Daiichi Sankyo has recognized as a "White 500 company" (large enterprise category) for the seventh consecutive year since 2018. This is the fifth consecutive year for Daiichi Sankyo group.