In order for all employees to understand the significance of fostering One DS Culture and the importance of Core Behaviors, we needed to begin by focusing on the company’s leaders. Therefore, we first held a total of eight culture workshops in FY2021, focusing on approximately 200 global leaders, including members of the Executive Management Committee (EMC). In this way the company’s leaders could act as role models and show the employees how to practice the three Core Behaviors.
These workshops, which were conducted globally in English and Japanese with simultaneous translation included group breakout sessions, focused on the significance of culture transformation and building the capabilities needed for leaders to achieve it. Moreover, they also learned the practice of storytelling and incorporated it into each session. Storytelling is a method of evoking emotions and increasing empathy by telling stories based on one's own experiences, rather than simply explaining facts and data. All leaders are currently using this technique actively by creating their own storytelling videos.
In addition, these 200+ leaders were divided into 29 teams and concluded a series of workshops with a "Capstone Project" in which they proposed solutions to EMC members to address the five cultural challenges identified by the cultural diagnostic.

screen shot : Online culture workshop 200 + leaders joined