Project Summary

Project Name  Project for Breast and Cervical Cancer Screening Camp
Initiatives for Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) Goal 3: Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages
    3.4 Reduce premature mortality from non-communicable diseases
    3.8 Achieve universal health coverage
Goal 5: Achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls
    5.6 Ensure universal access to sexual and reproductive health and reproductive rights
Outline of the Project Target:Women at the age of 30-65 , Health post/center staff,and all residents in the municipalities
  1. With the goal of improving knowledge of breast cancer and cervical cancer, we will implement measures to improve the qualifications of community health volunteers and to raise awareness of the community.
  2. By providing medical equipment and conducting screening camps, we will develop breast cancer / cervical cancer screening services and implement measures to improve skills for medical staff.
Region Gokarneshwor Municipality, Kathmandu, Bagmati Province, Nepal
Duration January 2021-December 2023 (3 years)
Partner AMDA-MINDS(Non-governmental organization AMDA Multisectoral and Integrated Development Services)

Implementation Structure


 Indicators and Output  FY2021*1 FY2022 FY2023
Knowledge in breast and cervical cancers of community people is improved Female Community Health Volunteer(FCHV)Training (participants)  111  115 7
Educational activity in community (participants)  219 895  1,436
Brochure for awareness (pcs.) 25,000  10,000  10,000
Screening service system is establied at health facilities Equipment installation (Clinics/Hospitals)  8 0 7
Screening camp at health posts/centers (participants) 1,091 2,422 2,556
Mammography examinees (examiniees) 208  949 1,113
Technical screening training for HP staff (participants) 14 35 10
Indicators and Outcome  FY2021*1 FY2022 FY2023 
Access to breast/cervical cancer screening test is improved in target area  Precentage of women who have ever received screening of breast/cervical cancer is increased from 31% to 62% in target area.  36% 47% 65%
*1: As of Dec. 31, 2021