January 30, 2023
Digital Transformation

DX Certification Logo

Daiichi Sankyo Company, Limited is pleased to announce that, as of January 1, 2023, it has been certified as a "DX Certified Operator" stipulated by the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry.

DX certification is a system under which the Japanese Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI) certifies companies that meet the basic requirements specified in the "Digital Governance Code" established by METI and are ready to promote digital transformation in accordance with the "Act on Facilitation of Information Processing".

As METI formulated the "Digital Governance Code 2.0" with the necessary revisions to respond to changes in the times such as the corona crisis and the development and securing of digital human resources in September 2022, our certification as a “DX Certified Operator” this time means that we have satisfied the certification requirements of the “Digital Governance Code 2.0”.

【DX vision of Daiichi Sankyo】

In order to contribute to our 2030 vision of becoming a "Innovative Global Healthcare Company Contributing to the Sustainable Development of Society", we have set our 2030 DX vision as “As Innovative Global Healthcare Company, we will contribute to healthcare transformation through excellent use of data and digital technology" and aim to develop from a Pharmaceutical company to a healthcare company.

For details on DX certification, please visit the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry website.