In response to the growing threat of counterfeit pharmaceuticals, Daiichi Sankyo Co., Ltd. is reviewing the sealing materials and box design of our products and introducing anti-counterfeit technologies. Serialization has been introduced in global pharmaceutical markets as one of the tools to prevent counterfeit pharmaceuticals and we have been applying it to our products in accordance with the regulations of each country. In Japan, for products shipped beginning in April 2021, the labeling of GS1 codes incorporating data on expiration dates and manufacturing numbers on the sales package unit and the tertiary package unit has become obligatory in order to enhance the traceability of pharmaceutical products. Furthermore, for medical narcotic products shipped beginning December 1, 2022, the labeling of GS1 codes incorporating data on expiration dates and manufacturing numbers on the sales package unit and the tertiary package unit has become obligatory. We have completed the requirements for all products subject to these obligations. As a pharmaceutical supplier, we will continue to strengthen anti-counterfeit measures and traceability of our products in accordance with the respective risks in collaboration with the pharmaceutical industry and related bodies.
We are actively promoting compliance with GDP*1 to ensure the quality and integrity of our products during the storage and transportation of pharmaceuticals. We are also striving to precisely respond in accordance with the regulations and risks in all countries and regions where we operate, in order to combat the global issue of counterfeit pharmaceuticals and are engaging in diligent study to ensure we can safely deliver pharmaceuticals to patients.
- *1Good Distribution Practice.