The 5th 5-year Business Plan (FY2021 - FY2025)

Target and the latest Estimate for FY2025 KPI


Target as of April 2021


Estimate as of April 2024

 Revenue    1,600 Bn JPY   2.1 Tr JPY
 Revenue in Oncology    > 600 Bn JPY  
rightward-pointing arrow
> 1.0 Tr JPY
Core Operating Profit ratio
before R&D expense 
  40% 40%
 ROE   > 16% > 16%
 DOE   > 8%    > 8.5%
Currency rate assumptions 
1USD=105JPY, 1EUR=120JPY     1USD=145JPY, 1EUR=155JPY

The 4th 5-year Business Plan Overview and Progress

(The following is an excerpt from the Value Report 2019.)

Revised Target for the 4th 5-Year Business Plan (October 31, 2018)