Changes in the Corporate Governance Structure
Since the merger of Sankyo Co., Ltd. and DaiichiPharmaceutical Co., Ltd. in 2007,
Daiichi Sankyo has established the Nomination Committee and the Compensation Committee as voluntary committees.
A female Director has been appointed since 2019.
With the aim of promoting the separation of execution and supervision and increasing the transparency and supervisory function of the Board of Directors, an Outside Director has served as the Chairperson of the Board of Directors since 2020.
Through these efforts, we are committed to establishing the corporate governance system for the Board of Directors to make important business decisions and oversee its management appropriately, establishing the internal control system that ensures proper transition of power from the Board of Directors, and making sure the Board of Directors to improve its function and effectiveness.
Going forward, Daiichi Sankyo will continue to work on enhancing its corporate governance systems, as well as securing and improving the functions and effectiveness of the Board of Directors.

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Corporate Governance Structure
In addition to creating a management structure that can respond speedily and flexibly to changes in the business environment, the Daiichi Sankyo is working to secure legal compliance and management transparency and to strengthen oversight of management and the conduct of operations. We place great importance on building up a corporate governance structure that is responsive to the trust of our stakeholders, especially our shareholders.
- To clarify Directors management responsibility and reinforce their oversight of management and the conduct of operations, their terms of office are set at one year, and five out of our ten Directors are Outside Directors. Since June 2020, an Outside director has been appointed chairman of the Board of Directors (the Board).
- To ensure management transparency, the Company has established two voluntary committees as advisory bodies to the Board: the Nomination Committee and the Compensation Committee. Both committees respectively deliberate on selections or dismissals of CEO and COO, the succession plan of CEO, selections of Director and Audit & Supervisory Board Member candidates, the compensation policy for Directors, the individual amounts of compensation of Directors, and other matters.
- It is comprised by five Outside Directors and one Outside Audit & Supervisory Board Member participates as the observer in each committee.
- For audits of legal compliance and soundness of management, the Company has adopted an Audit & Supervisory Board system and established the Audit & Supervisory Board comprising five Audit & Supervisory Board Members, including three Outside Audit & Supervisory Board Members.
- The Company prescribes specific criteria on the judgment of independence of Outside Directors and Outside Audit & Supervisory Board Members and basic matters regarding execution of duties by Directors and Audit & Supervisory Board Members.
- Under the global management structure, the Management Executive Meeting with CxOs, Unit Heads, and Heads of Global Corporate Functions as members is held as appropriate to deliberate on important matters related to the strategy, policy, and execution of group management, and to contribute to management decision-making.
- The Company employs a Corporate Officer System which contributes to appropriate and swift management decision-making and the conduct of operations.
- With the aims of ensuring effectiveness and efficiency of operations, ensuring reliability of financial reporting, complying with applicable laws and regulations relevant to business activities, and safeguarding assets, the Company structures its internal control system to consist of self-monitoring carried out by respective organizations which execute its functions (primary controls), policy development and monitoring for respective organizations carried out by the corporate organization (secondary controls), and internal auditing encompassing monitoring carried out by the Internal Audit Department (tertiary controls).

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Composition of the Board of Directors and the Audit & Supervisory Board
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Policies and Procedures for Appointment /Selection of Diretors, Audit & Supervisory Board Members, and CEO
- Directors shall meet the requirement of being personnel of excellent character and insight who contribute to maximizing the corporate value of the Group.
- Directors shall meet the requirements of being appropriate persons with respect to term of office and age, and of being suitably competent of performing timely and accurate judgment, looking at the changes in the business environment while giving importance to the continuance of management policies, etc.
- Directors shall meet the requirements that they are the individuals with expertise, experience, and insight in one or more of the following fields: corporate management and management strategy, finance and accounting, science and technology, business strategy and marketing, global business, human resources and HR development, legal and risk management, sustainability and ESG, and/or DX and IT.
- Directors shall meet the requirements that there shall always be Outside Directors included to strengthen the decision-making functions based on various perspectives and to strengthen the function of supervising conduct of operations.
- In principle, it is a requirement that Outside Directors have no more than three concurrent positions as officers of listed companies, excluding the Company.
- The Company recognizes that ensuring the diversity of Directors particularly in terms of gender, nationality, race, etc. as well as incorporating diverse opinions into management are important for strengthening the decision-making functions and the supervisory function of the Board. The Company will continue to discuss the selection of candidates for Directors with such aspects in mind.
- When selecting the candidates for Directors, the Board shall select the candidates after they have been sufficiently deliberated by the Nomination Committee, of which Outside Directors form a majority.
- Directors should attend Board of Directors meetings and maintain an attendance rate of at least 75% or more unless there are unavoidable circumstances.
- Audit & Supervisory Board Members shall meet the requirement of whether they can fulfil their duties and ensure their independence from the representative directors, Directors, and corporate officers.
- When selecting the candidates for Audit & Supervisory Board Members, the Board shall select the candidates after they have been deliberated by the Nomination Committee, and agreed by the Audit & Supervisory Board.
- Outside Directors and Outside Audit & Supervisory Board Members shall be confirmed to have no problems according to specific criteria on the judgment of independence.
- When selecting the candidates for Directors and Audit & Supervisory Board Members, the General Meeting of Shareholders shall select them after the relevant proposal.
- Candidates for CEO shall be selected based on the successor plan and defined eligibility requirements, etc. that have been repeatedly discussed at the Nomination Committee.
- Selection of CEO and COO (including reelection) shall be determined by resolution of the Board over a recommendation from the Nomination Committee that the Committee submits after sufficient deliberation
Policies and Procedures for Dismissal of Directors and CEO
- If any Director is found not meeting eligibility requirements or requirements for execution of duties defined in the Companies Act or the Directors Regulations, following deliberation at the Nomination Committee and the Board, the General Meeting of Shareholders shall deem that it meets criteria for dismissal of Directors, and resolve dismissal of such Director after the relevant proposal.
- Dismissal of CEO and COO shall be called into account in light of the Companies Act, defined CEO eligibility requirements or requirements for execution of duties, and determined in the same manner as appointment, by resolution of the Board over a recommendation from the Nomination Committee that the Committee submits after sufficient deliberation.
Skill Matrix of the Board of Directors
The Company has identified the skills (knowledge, experience, and abilities) that Board of Directors should possess to properly fulfill its decision-making and management oversight functions, and has set up Skill Matrix that organizes the possession status of such skills by Directors and Audit & Supervisory Board Members.
In light of our Purpose, Mission, medium- to long-term management direction and business strategy, the Company has identified the nine (9) skills given the functions Board of Directors should have to fulfill, aiming to realize the 2030 Vision “Innovative Global Healthcare Company Contributing to the Sustainable Development of Society” as shown in the 5-year business plan.
The following table shows the composition of Board of Directors and the skills possessed by each Director and Audit & Supervisory Board Member.
When appointing Directors, we consider the diversity and balance of these skills.
Audit & Supervisory Board Members are appointed based on the requirements for candidates separately set by Audit & Supervisory Board.