①is or has been an Executive Person, of the Company or its parent company, companies under the common control or its subsidiary (referring to a director other than outside director, executive/corporate officer or other employee; provided, however, limited to those who are important persons in terms of relationship with immediate family members. The same shall apply hereafter.); or
② has received during any of the last three fiscal years more than ¥10 million in direct compensation for his or her services as a consultant, a specialist in law, accounting or tax, or a healthcare professional, etc. from the Company, other than director or audit & supervisory board member compensation.
*An “immediate family member” includes a person’s spouse, parents, children, siblings, grandparents, grandchildren, mothers and fathers-in-law, sons and daughters-in-law, spouses of siblings, grandchildren-in-law, and brothers and sisters-in-law. The same shall apply hereafter.